Legislative Info

Services for People with Disabilities

Ombudsman program study

Utah is interested in creating a Disability Ombudsman (say “ahm-BUDS-mun”) Program. A Disability Ombudsman Program supports people with disabilities. The ombudsman would help reduce barriers to accessing community spaces and services.

In 2021 the Division of Services for People with Disabilities (DSPD) studied the barriers that people with disabilities experience, and how an ombudsman could help. In November 2021, DSPD reported their findings to the Health and Human Services Interim Committee of the Utah State Legislature. View the report below.

Waiting list management

During the 2018 general session, House Bill 2 provided legislative intent language requiring a study of effective waiting list management. View the Waiting List Management study below.

Transition age youth & employment

During the 2018 general session, House Bill 2 provided legislative intent language requiring a study of how to improve employment outcomes among transition-age youth with disabilities. View the Employment Study below.

Legislative compendium of budget information

The Compendium of Budget Information (COBI) details Utah's budget and related financial transactions. It contains summaries of issues faced by legislators, performance measures, background information, financial history, and references to statutory authority. It is provided as a companion to appropriations bills considered in the general session of the Utah State Legislature.

A section within the COBI provides the legislature and the public with information about the Division of Services for People with Disabilities. Information focuses on a number of areas, including: An overview of the division, funding history, issues related to this year's legislative session, and financial overview. Click the link below to access this important resource.

Legislative advocacy resources

Many of the resources and materials listed below include materials and references from external non-DHHS sources. The Utah Department of Health and Human Services may occasionally link to outside sources of information. DHHS and the state of Utah do not necessarily endorse the provider of the content and are not responsible for any content published on the external site or incorporated by reference.

If you are interested in advocating with the Utah State Legislature, we recommend contacting one of the following organizations: